Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New DB President

Yes it is true. I, Lord Semaj, am no longer president of the Dingbats. Instead my VP Balec, has taken my position for the reason of my permenant absence from the town where the Dingbats roam. In human language, He's the new President because I'm moving. So the new ranking is:

President- Balec
Vice President- Elik
Evening Govna- Solrac

THESE are the new Dingbat triads. And to think only 1 original member exsist of the triads and that would be my friend Elik. Well this sucks for me... As for me, I think I will be what my friend Franki is. A Dingbat ambassador to the outside world.

Now Balec, if you've read this, you have to do me a favor.

Please put any big changes or events regarding the Dingbats on your blog so I may know what's going on.


As for this site, I might delete it. I'll have to think about it.

It has been great being your president. Hopefully Balec will suit you well.

Lord Semaj

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dingbat News.

Good news everybody! Our once banned DB has come clean and deleted his Facebook. Way to go Lathor! Lathor is now the Jester!

In other news, our former VP Neb, has left the school and is replaced by Mygrane of "Balec's Realm".

Our old Dingbat Jester, Cockpit, has given in to the normalness and has joined the Terrible "Social Network" known as "Facebook"..... As you can imagine, he was fired the day after I found out.

And Lastly, our "Evening Govna" Elik has gotten his own Blog! "Dave The Hand!"... perfect name! Check it out!


See ya later Dingbats and/or ASSociates/Ambassadors!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Firing our first Dingbat

Yes sadly I had to fire a Dingbat. He was our treasurer, Lathor. Why did I have to fire him? Because he got a Facebook! I really didnt want to fire him, but it had to be done. As DB President, I cannot let my personal feelings get in the way of buisness. Hopefully my VP Neb, will learn this when he replaces me one day. Those who are corrupted by the evil of Facebook must not taint the reputation or the other members of the other Dingbats. What needed to be done was done. Good-bye Lathor.

This is your President, signing out.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I am back in control.

I have had the most displeasure of being ill. It's either an appendicitis or a stomach virus but either way, I had to leave my Dingbat throne for 3 days, leaving my 2nd-in-command Neb to keep order. Luckily he did not abuse his powers and take advantage of his postition. Way to go Neb! For those who did not know, one of the Dingbats (Lord Lathor) said he sacrificed a few good foods last lunch time for my return.....and....... IT WORKED! Sacrificing food must really work! Thanks Lathor! Check out his blog sometime!


So fellow Dingbats, I am signing out! HUZZAH!

Friday, September 24, 2010

A victory for the Dingbats!

Yes we Dingbats have gotten a victory! As all of the Dingbats know, our sacred lunch spot, has many invaders. Many want to sit where we fill our stomachs. Last year, we did not have this problem very much, because our former Dingbat Vice President *SALUTE*. She always brought her own lunch, so she was the first to sit down. Because of her strangeness, the invaders would not dare interfere in her bubble of weirdness. But that bubble has been taken away this year, so we have replaced it with the bubble of our morning govna, Mygrain or his mother. Often times, his mother would sit where we sit. Having no respect for the staff, the invaders fled. When She isnt there, Mygrain will sit down and do his homweork, preventing any invaders.


I'm L0rd Semaj, your President, and I have spoken!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome Dingbats!

Welcome my followers! This is are official website, so I expect you all to check it out regulary! Our first order of buisness, deciding if our friend Lord Lathor can join the Dingbats. Well I have an idea how he can! As long as he changes the name of his blog, he may join. Good? Good. Untill then Dingbats, I am your president, and that will be all.

By the way if you hav'nt already, check out my personal blog: www.therealmofnerdum.blogspot.com

See ya Humans!