Friday, September 24, 2010

A victory for the Dingbats!

Yes we Dingbats have gotten a victory! As all of the Dingbats know, our sacred lunch spot, has many invaders. Many want to sit where we fill our stomachs. Last year, we did not have this problem very much, because our former Dingbat Vice President *SALUTE*. She always brought her own lunch, so she was the first to sit down. Because of her strangeness, the invaders would not dare interfere in her bubble of weirdness. But that bubble has been taken away this year, so we have replaced it with the bubble of our morning govna, Mygrain or his mother. Often times, his mother would sit where we sit. Having no respect for the staff, the invaders fled. When She isnt there, Mygrain will sit down and do his homweork, preventing any invaders.


I'm L0rd Semaj, your President, and I have spoken!

1 comment:

  1. great gatsby, lord semaj! invaders of the norm? how do you not tell me of this? i could do voodoo ritual from here to keep them away!


    alas, it will not take, unless the ding bats on the other side are willing to sacrafice a chicken... patty.
